Restorative Justice

Content Provider:
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Tagged Categories:
- Criminal Justice System
45 Minutes
Release Date
September 2023
The Restorative Justice guide teaches that offenders can be held responsible for their actions, without the need of incarceration. Law enforcement professionals can foster meaningful engagement and accountability by providing the offender an opportunity for healing, reparation, and reintegration. The course is anticipated to promote positive outcomes for both communities and the criminal justice system in Canada by reducing incarceration and recidivism, while contributing to the reduction of the over-representation of both Indigenous youth and adults in custody over the next decade.
When you have completed this course you will be able to:
- Identify the general benefits of making RJ referrals
- Identify the direct benefits of making RJ referrals
- Identify the myths about RJ Programs
- Describe the RJ referral process
- Recognize Supervisor contributions
This is a self-directed and self-paced online course. It is comprised of these three modules followed by an attestation:
- Introduction to Restorative Justice
- Restorative Justice Benefits
- The Restorative Justice Referral Process