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LIDAR Refresher Training


Content Provider:
York Regional Police

Tagged Categories:

  • Certification/Recertification
  • Traffic Enforcement


2 Hour(s)

Release Date
September 2020

Registration Process Register

Speed management is not just about enforcement, or writing tickets; it is about attempting to improve the safety of all road users. Using a range of measures aimed at balancing safety and efficiency, speed management is critical to reducing fatalities, personal injuries, and property damage and for keeping traffic moving in a safe and orderly manner.

LIDAR is an important tool in speed management. Designed to complement other training, LIDAR Refresher Training reviews the principles of speed management, the theory and technology behind LIDAR, health and safety issues, and the information officers require to effectively prepare for court.

Learning Objectives

When you have completed this course you will be able to:

  • Identify the fundamental principles of speed management
  • Understand the basic theory of how LIDAR functions
  • Recall the fundamental principles of how LIDAR is used for speed measurement
  • Properly test police LIDAR and perform proper tracking history
  • Comprehend officer health and safety issues, site selection, and maintenance regarding LIDAR devices
  • Explain your legal authorities and recognize speed measuring warning devices
  • List the information required for court purposes



This course is designed as a refresher for the experienced LIDAR operator.

Target Audience

Sworn Police

Content Provider

This course was developed by the York Regional Police and made available to all police services via CPKN.