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Core Trauma Concepts

Notice: This course is not included in annual subscriptions.


Content Provider:
Wounded Warriors Canada

Tagged Themes:

  • Officer Safety & Wellbeing


Length (in hours)
2 hours

Release Date
October 2023

Registration Process Register

Thank you for choosing Core Trauma Concepts—a unique mental health program that introduces trauma fundamentals to organizations and trauma exposed professionals. The Core Trauma Concepts Program uses core introductory trauma concepts to raise awareness on mental health using Uniformed Service Personnel. Following an overview of core concepts, the program transitions toward trauma-specific education and training.

The program draws upon existing Wounded Warrior Canada programs, including but not limited to:

  • Trauma Informed Leadership
  • Before Operational Stress
  • Trauma Resiliency Program

The learning objectives for Core Trauma Concepts are to teach, train, and support Uniformed Service Personnel to better manage their post trauma responses.

Target Audience

Sworn Police, Police Services, Student, Government and Other First Responders, Private Security

Content Provider

Content for this course was provided by Wounded Warriors Canada.