CPKN Presents 2024 F. Darren Smith Award to Betty Froese

Betty Froese (left) Manager of the Learning and Development Unit, Vancouver Police Department receiving the 2024 F. Darren Smith Award from Sandy Sweet (right), President, CPKN.
The Canadian Police Knowledge Network (CPKN) recently awarded Betty Froese, Manager of the Learning and Development Unit, Vancouver Police Department, with the 2024 F. Darren Smith Award.
The award was presented during CPKN’s annual Stanhope conference on September 26, 2024, to a crowd of almost 100 delegates from approximately 45 services across Canada.
Named in honour of F. Darren Smith, this award was established in 2012 and recognizes individuals in the Canadian police community who demonstrate outstanding leadership, commitment, and vision for the advancement of technology-enhanced learning.
“Darren was an early adopter, innovative thinker, and his progressive vision helped drive change in fundamental ways in policing training,” said Sandy Sweet, President, CPKN. “Just like Darren was at Toronto Police Service, Betty has been a transformative force within the Vancouver Police Department (VPD). She is very deserving of this recognition.”
Froese has over 14 years working in policing, first with Edmonton Police, and now with VPD. Through her tenure, she has demonstrated unwavering commitment to advancing organizational learning for sworn and civilian members.
Under her leadership, VPD has achieved several critical learning goals and solutions, such as, the creation of the Learning and Development Unit, and, most recently, new Artificial Intelligence initiatives relating to learning and development.
Additionally, Froese was responsible for the implementation of VPD’s Learning Management System for all employees which streamlined training processes and made learning resources more accessible for all employees.
“Betty has been a champion for collaboration within VPD as well as across the Canadian police sector,” said Sweet. “We see her dedication and collaborative nature through her work with the National Advisory Committee and our subcommittees. She is a valuable asset within the Network and I have no doubt she’ll make bigger impacts in years to come.”