F. Darren Smith Award

In 2012, CPKN created the F. Darren Smith Award of Excellence to recognize and celebrate the contributions of Staff Superintendent F. Darren Smith in building and facilitating technology-enhanced learning within Canada’s police community. During his 33 year career with the Toronto Police Service, S/Supt. Smith was instrumental in enhancing police training models through technology. In addition to leading the creation and management of an in-house e-learning development unit at the Toronto Police College, his progressive vision and personal qualities helped drive change in positive and fundamental ways across the Canadian police sector.
The F. Darren Smith Award of Excellence was established to recognize and honour individuals in the Canadian police community who demonstrate outstanding leadership, commitment, and vision for the advancement of technology-enhanced learning (TEL).
All sworn and civilian members of the Canadian police community, including employees of police services, training academies, and related agencies, are eligible for this award.
Selected by a Committee, recipients of this award demonstrate the following qualities:
- Creates a compelling vision for the future of learning within their organization;
- Has faced and overcome organizational learning challenges;
- Initiates new initiatives that use TEL solutions;
- Inspires and motivates colleagues to embrace TEL;
- Shows leadership in establishing and achieving organizational learning goals through TEL solutions; and
- Actively advocates for TEL and shares information and knowledge to enhance and advance TEL across the Canadian police sector.
The F. Darren Smith Award is presented at the annual Stanhope Conference. The award recipient receives a plaque and is acknowledged on CPKN's website. A donation in the amount of $500 is also be made in the recipient's name to Dr. John Turnbull's Research and Patient Equipment and Services for the ALS Clinic at McMaster University Medical Centre.
Award Recipients
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2023 - Chuck Byham

2022 - Susanne Decock, Ontario Provincial Police
The recipient for the F. Darren Smith Award for 2022 is Chief Superintendent Susanne Decock from the Ontario Provincial Police. of the CPKN Board of Directors. Susanne has been a driving force behind many initiatives that prove a collaborative, technology-enhanced approach is best practice for police learning. She has served as Chair of CPKN’s National Advisory Committee (NAC) and as a member of CPKN’s Board of Directors. Her vision, commitment, and leadership in the area of training and learning are qualities that the entire police community can celebrate and emulate.

2021 - Kimberley Greenwood, Barrie Police Service
The recipient for the F. Darren Smith Award for 2021 is Kimberley Greenwood, Chief of Barrie Police and Chair of the CPKN Board of Directors. Kimberley is an advocate for Technology enhanced training and, as the Chair the CPKN Board, has championed the use of collaboration, standards and technology far and wide.
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2020 - Simon Paré, Public Safety Canada
The recipient of the 2020 F. Darren Smith Award is Simon Paré. Simon joined Public Safety Canada in 2010 where he is responsible for learning standards and technologies. Marc is highly respected by his colleagues and is recognized for his collaborative efforts in the police community and his innovative problem- solving skills. Simon's work with international partners to collaborate and research topics of virtual learning and training has been valuable to the police community.

2019 - Marc Desaulniers, ENPQ
The recipient of the 2019 F. Darren Smith Award is Marc Desaulniers, Director of Curriculum and Knowledge Development, École nationale de police du Québec (ENPQ) where he has worked since 2001. Marc is highly respected by his colleagues and is recognized for his collaborative efforts in the police community and his innovative problem- solving skills.

2018 - Genviève Tremblay, RCMP
Geneviève Tremblay is recognized for her commitment to technology enhanced learning and creating high quality products for the RCMP and other Canadian public safety organizations. This past year, she has spearheaded the development of Introduction to the Cannabis Legislation and the Canadian Cannabis Portal with a national group of collaborators.

2017 - Sean O'Brien, Toronto Police Service
Sergeant O’Brien’s colleagues recognize him as a leader through his efforts to continuously strengthen his own knowledge and professional expertise and encouraging others to do the same.

2016- John Arnold
While officially established in 2004, CPKN’s origins began several years earlier as PoliceLearn.com, the brainchild of Mr. Arnold, then Chief Scientist of the Canadian Police Research Centre at the National Research Council of Canada. He set out to create an online network that would link the police community through shared operational information and training courses. John Arnold was the founder of the CPKN concept and the organization's first President.

2015 - Brent Shea, London Police Service
For more than a decade, Brent has volunteered his time, knowledge, and experience on a variety of fronts, including the development of policing competencies and integration of technology-enhanced learning, at local, provincial, and national levels.

2014 - Jane Naydiuk, BC Ministry of Justice Police Services Division
In British Columbia, Jane Naydiuk has been a driving force behind a number of initiatives that prove a collaborative, technology-enhanced approach is a best practice for police learning.

2013 - Bruce Herridge, York Regional Police
As an early proponent of e-learning, Deputy Chief Bruce Herridge has motivated frontline officers and senior leadership alike by sharing a positive and compelling vision for TEL. He not only introduced e-learning to the York Regional Police organization but led the creation of the Technology & Skills Development Unit and an in-house e-learning team.

2012 - S/Supt. F. Darren Smith
Within Canada’s policing community, Darren Smith is well known for leading the charge to bring greater innovation to learning. Drawing on equal passions for teaching and technology, Staff Superintendent Smith created the first e-learning to be used at the Toronto Police Service back in the mid-90s; through vision and drive, he has led TPS to the forefront of technology-enhanced learning.