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Organized Retail Crime


Content Provider:
Calgary Police Service


Length (in hours)
30 minutes

Release Date
January 2018

Revision Date
December 2020

Registration Process Register

Organized retail crime (ORC) is an issue that affects business, the public and law enforcement in a variety of ways. The Crime Prevention Team focuses on the identification of prolific organized retail crime offenders, collaborates with retail stakeholders and supports front line sworn officers.

In an effort to create consistent messaging for internal and external partners, the Organized Retail Crime Team has developed an eLearning course for front line officers and CPS internal support (analysts, patrol support, PSC, RTOC).

Learning Objectives:

When you have completed this course you will be able to:

  • Define Organized Retail Crime.
  • Discuss the effects and prevalence of ORC in the community.
  • Evaluate the challenges encountered when dealing with ORC.
  • Identify ORC.
  • Apply solutions to aid in eliminating ORC.

Target Audience

Sworn Police, Police Services, Government and Other First Responders, Private Security

Content Provider

This course was developed by Calgary Police Service and made available to Canadian police through CPKN.