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Indigenous Awareness


Content Provider:
Canada School of Public Service

Tagged Categories:

  • IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility)


6 Hour(s)

Release Date
January 2022

Registration Process Register

Under the themes of Recognition, Respect, Relationships, and Reconciliation, this series of five foundational courses will provide an overview of the heritage, rights, and perspectives of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. In this self-paced series, you will build upon your understanding of First Nation, Métis, and Inuit peoples, as well as the role and responsibilities of the Government of Canada towards these communities.

Indigenous Peoples consist of various peoples, communities and nations that embody diverse cultural practices, social institutions, and histories. This series is an opportunity to challenge the lens through which you view Canada, your role within the public safety sector, and the way that you interact with different Indigenous groups.

When you have completed these courses you will be able to:

  • Identify and use appropriate terminology for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples
  • Describe how the Government of Canada’s actions and decisions have created long-term impacts for Indigenous Peoples
  • Distinguish some of the historical events that have impacted the contemporary realities of Indigenous Peoples
  • Better understand some of the governance structures, traditions, and current realities of various Indigenous groups
  • Understand the complexities associated with the word “Métis” and recognize the strengths of the Métis Nation
  • Provide a brief introduction to Inuit in Canada and the relationship between Inuit and the Government of Canada
  • Build cultural competency and apply mindfulness, empathy, respect, and inclusivity
  • Recognize the impacts of biases and identify ways to build positive relationships
  • Identify legal documents, acts, and cases that set out the rights of Indigenous Peoples

Target Audience

Sworn Police, Police Services, Student, Government and Other First Responders, Private Security

Content Provider

Content for this series was developed by the Canada School of Public Service, with support from the National Film Board and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, and in collaboration with the San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training Program. These courses were built with the help of many people, including Indigenous public service employees, government subject-matter experts, Indigenous scholars, and Indigenous communities and Elders.