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Crisis Intervention and De-escalation

Notice: Successful completion of this course is mandatory for all frontline police officers in the province of British Columbia.
This course has been developed specifically for officers in British Columbia and is consistent with the BC Provincial Policing Standards. Access for other interested parties will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Please contact CPKN's Support Desk for details.

Free for BC Police officers

Content Provider:
BC Ministry of Justice

Tagged Categories:

  • Community Safety & Wellbeing
  • Critical Incident Response


3.5 Hour(s)

Release Date
May 2020

Registration Process Register

In the wake of the Robert Dziekanski tragedy in 2007, the Braidwood Commission made a number of recommendations that emphasized the importance of police being able to effectively intervene in and de-escalate crisis situations.

The Crisis Intervention and De-escalation course is designed to ensure that police officers will be able to use crisis intervention and de-escalation (CID) techniques to effectively de-escalate crisis situations, including incidents involving intervention in a mental health crisis. The course will introduce a four-phase CID model and a number of accompanying techniques designed to accomplish this goal.

The content for this course was developed by the BC Ministry of Justice (Police Services Division) in consultation with the Braidwood Recommendation Implementation Committee and a working group of police and non-police subject matter experts.

Learning Objectives

When you have completed this course you will be able to:

  • Describe the Braidwood Report and the BC Provincial Policing Standards
  • Explain the importance of CID techniques
  • Explain the BC Provincial Policing Standard for Crisis Intervention and De-escalation Training
  • Explain assessing and responding to risk in crisis situations
  • Describe the relationship between conflict and crisis
  • Identify Emotionally Disturbed Persons (EDPs)
  • Explain constructive and destructive approaches to crisis intervention and de-escalation
  • Explain the importance of understanding mental health disorders
  • Define mental health and mental health disorders
  • Describe major mental health disorders and observed behaviours
  • Explain the differences between dementia and delirium
  • Explain the purpose of the BC Mental Health Act
  • Define key terms and mental health related forms
  • Explain the authorities according to sections of the MHA pertinent to police
  • Explain police officer roles and responsibilities in crisis situations
  • Explain police policy, procedures and documentation in crisis situations
  • Explain medical considerations in crisis situations
  • Explain the importance of communication between the apprehending officer and hospital staff
  • Explain and apply the CID model
  • Apply CID techniques

Target Audience

Sworn Police, Police Services, Government and Other First Responders, Private Security


The face-to-face component of the BC CID course will take approximately 7 hours to complete based on a class size of less than 20. Larger classes may require more time to complete the scenarios.

Content Provider

Led by the BC Ministry of Justice, Police Services Division, the content for this course was provided by a working group of police and non-police subject matter experts. Special thanks are extended to the RCMP Pacific Region Training Centre for providing access to their Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) materials, subject matter experts and audio-visual resources.