Counterfeit Currency Analysis

Content Provider:
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Tagged Categories:
- Fraud Analysis
3 Hour(s)
Release Date
November 2014
Revision Date
January 2021
Counterfeit Currency Analysis provides learners with the basic skills and techniques required to help determine whether a bank note is genuine or counterfeit. Learners will be introduced to a number of different security features as well as the criminal law, and policies and procedures that apply when counterfeit currency is discovered.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Describe currency counterfeiting in Canada.
- List the security features found on bank notes.
- Examine a bank note to determine if it is counterfeit.
- Identify the criminal law, policy and procedures that apply to counterfeit currency.
- Recognize the equipment used to make counterfeit bank notes.