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CNIB Emergency Intervenor Services Program


Content Provider:
Waterloo Regional Police

Tagged Themes:

  • Community Safety & Wellbeing


Length (in hours)
45 minutes

Release Date
October 2016

Revision Date
November 2019

Registration Process Register

CNIB’s Emergency Intervenor Service Program is an innovative program that connects Ontario CNIB clients with vision and hearing loss (deafblind) with an intervenor in an emergency situation. A trained intervenor, who serves as the eyes and ears of the individual, facilitates communication with a first responder or other emergency personnel.

The CNIB Emergency Intervenor Services Program course will help demonstrate how CNIB’s Emergency Intervenor Service works and how First Responders can assist someone who is deafblind. In addition to general program information, this course provides awareness videos specifically designed for police, EMS, and hospital personnel as well as a series of sighted guide techniques videos.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Recall how CNIB’s Emergency Intervenor Service works;
  • Understand how First Responders can assist someone who is deafblind.

Target Audience

Sworn Police, Police Services, Student, Government and Other First Responders, Private Security

Content Provider

This course was designed and developed by Waterloo Regional Police Service in collaboration with CNIB Ontario.