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Bill C-75


Content Provider:
Calgary Police Service

Tagged Categories:

  • Legislative Awareness


1 Hour(s)

Release Date
March 2020

Registration Process Register

Bill C-75 received royal assent on June 21st, 2019, with the different amendments in force on the 30th, 90th, and 180th day following. This e-learning deals with the last amendments to come into force at 180 days being December 18th, 2019. In an effort to assist the service with proper implementation of this legislation, this e-learning will explain and articulate the amendments to the Criminal Code taking place on that date that directly impact police including changes to basic terminology, definitions, processes, documents, and forms. There are many additional amendments in Bill C-75 that do not particularly affect police operations and will not be discussed. The Calgary Police Service recognizes internal resources and external partners, developing course content through consultation with the Calgary Indigenous Advisory Board, SORCe, Diversity Resources Team, Arrest Processing Section, and Youth at Risk Development.

Learning Objectives

When you have completed this course you will be able to:

  • Interpret Bill C-75 and the resultant changes to the Criminal Code, relating to arrest/release/detention.
  • Identify the processes outlined in the “Arrest/Release/Detention” flowchart when investigating and enforcing offences.
  • Evaluate whether to release an accused by an Appearance Notice to compel the individual to attend a Judicial Referral Hearing for limited or minor technical breaches, instead of laying a breach charge.
  • Apply the broadened definition of “intimate partner” to better tackle offences involving intimate partner violence.
  • Apply Extrajudicial Measures for youth offenders who fail to comply with release or sentencing conditions, when appropriate to do so.
  • Use the new bail forms and forms of charges, as well as apply new section numbers and wording of charges.

Target Audience

Sworn Police, Police Services, Government and Other First Responders