CPKN hosts 17th annual Stanhope Conference

A full room of delegates on the first day of the Stanhope 2024 conference.
The Canadian Police Knowledge Network (CPKN) hosted its annual Stanhope Conference from September 24 to 26, 2024, in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
Stanhope is an opportunity to bring together innovators, training managers, practitioners, and decision-makers to explore current issues facing police services and identify innovative learning solutions.
The conference welcomed 96 delegates from approximately 45 organizations across Canada. This year’s theme was, “From Dial-up to AI: Two Decades of Collaboration, Innovation, and Evaluation in Police Training,” where speakers shared insights from the last 20 years of policing as well as predictions for the future.
“One of the things that makes Stanhope unique is that all delegates leave their rank and file at the door,” said Sandy Sweet, President, CPKN. “There are tables of individuals sitting together who are civilian or sworn, constable to Chief, from coast to coast, and they’re all learning from each other and working together to solve similar issues.”
This year’s Stanhope Conference covered topics on Artificial Intelligence, leadership, member wellness and reintegration, recruitment and retention, data literacy, and competencies. In addition to this, delegates had the opportunity to hear about and provide feedback on enhancements of CPKN’s Learning Management System as well as initiatives of the National Advisory Committee and its subcommittees.
The conference also marked 20 years since CPKN was formed and the Network began. To celebrate and acknowledge this achievement, founders and early champions were invited to participate in the conference and evening festivities.
To emphasize this milestone, CPKN was pleased to welcome back John Arnold, Founder and first President, as well as introduce Sonia Poulin, President Elect, who will begin her tenure on November 18, 2024, as CPKN’s third President.
“We have come a long way in the last 20 years as a Network and I am confident in passing the torch to Sonia and her leadership,” said Sweet. “Never has there been such a sense of shared responsibility to work together and collaborate on solutions. I look forward to seeing where the next 20 years will take us and beyond.”